A.D. Dunn
AD Dunn is a trans writer, editor, abolitionist, and lawyer in training. They are co-author of two cookbooks, Dinner at the Long Table and Saltie: A Cookbook, and served for a decade as editor of Diner Journal. They have been published by Brooklyn Based, The Center for Fiction, FAQNP, Famous Magazine, Hunger Mountain, Brooklyn Rail, and had a short story featured in the anthology It Occurs to Me that I Am America alongside many of their heroes.
They spent the year they got top surgery publishing a small magazine at Rikers Island with a group of trans and cis women and trans men, which strengthened their steadfast belief in carceral abolition. They have worked for the Mississippi Workers Center for Human Rights, The Mississippi Center for Justice, and are excited to intern for the Office of the Capital Defender in Atlanta, Georgia this summer. They have been named a 2023 Sorensen Center Peace and Justice Fellow. Their cat is their harshest critic.
For queries email thievesediting@gmail.com!